Participants have to wear their wristband at all times. It is mandatory to show the wristband at the entry of classes and parties.
Participants have to accept the decisions of the teachers and the Organizer during the event and especially during the auditions.​
The organizers do not take any responsibility for participants’ valuables and assets.
The organizers will keep lost & found properties for one week after the event has finished.
There is a risk of physical injuries during dance activities. It is the participant's responsibility and decision to do any dance activity during the event. Do your best to be careful – for yourself and for the others as well!
The organizers do not take any responsibility for participants’ physical injuries.​
Participants (their image, voice) may appear in media (like photos, videos) that the organizers or a representative will record during the event. The organizers can use these media files for any purpose related to TLV SwingFest or other artistic purposes in any form. Participants agree that these media files are the sole property of the organizers.
There is no refund in case some part of the program is not realized (for example a teacher is not participating because of illness or canceled flights).
Participants are not allowed to record or take photos of classes, unless the teacher explicitly allows it.​
Following the WSDC Rules, we made the Novice division our lowest default. Signing up to any of the other divisions works by having the right amount of WSDC Points. For details on the WSDC Rules please check WSDC website.
Strictly - If you have 30 Intermediate WSDC points or above, please only sign up for the Open Strictly division. Anyone else can sign up where they feel confident in participating.
We do not tolerate harassment or abuse of any kind. The reason does not matter – such behavior is unacceptable. Any behavior which makes another person feel unsafe or uncomfortable to the point of being unable to enjoy their experience at TLV SwingFest can be considered harassment.
We reserve the right to remove or ban anyone who does not abide by our rules, and ask him/her to leave the event without refund of any fees.
Refunds & Cancellation Policy
There is no refund in case some part of the program is not realized (for example a teacher is not participating because of illness or canceled flights).
Paid Registrations will be refunded based on the below schedule:
- 70% refund if canceled before 1st January
- 50% refund if canceled before 1st March
- No refund for cancellations after 1st March
As an alternative - you are able to transfer your registration to someone else with prior approval and instructions (requirements) from organizers.
Unpaid Registrations are bound by the same cancellation policy as above, however we will not hunt you down for that payment. Just note that Registrations with offline payment are based on trust and as such, our trust in you has been tarnished.